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Cycling Safety: How to Ride Confidently in Traffic

Cycling is indeed a fun activity for exploring new places, staying fit, and enjoying the great outdoors. However, cycling in traffic, especially when you are new to it, can be pretty daunting. You may feel nervous, overwhelmed, or unsure of how to make your path safely. We perfectly understand these concerns and to ensure that you feel confident every time you hit the road. That’s why we are going to discuss some important cycling safety tips. 

Cycling Safety Tips for an Enjoyable and Stress-Free Riding Experience 

Do you know that a survey of 1,600 cyclists from Texas revealed that 70% of riders felt bicycling is unsafe in terms of traffic accidents? If you feel the same, just follow these given tips, and you'll have a safe journey: 

Plan Your Journey Ahead of Time 

Firstly, start by planning your journey ahead of time. This is particularly important for newbie cyclists and those who have to travel long distances. 

When you map out your route beforehand, you don't have to stop midway to check directions or figure out where you are going. This not only saves time but also keeps you focused on the road, which is much needed for safe travel. 

Planning your journey also enables you to avoid unsafe areas, such as roads with heavy traffic or poor lighting. You can ride on bike-friendly paths that make the trip smooth and enjoyable. 

Never Ever Forget to Wear Your Helmet

One of the most important cycling safety tips is to wear a helmet. This protective headgear reduces the risk of brain injuries and death while riding. 

Unfortunately, only 18 percent of cyclists wear helmets, which is alarming. 

You shouldn't repeat the same mistake! Make it a habit to wear your helmet whenever you go for a ride, whether it's a short trip or a long journey. 

If you don't have one, you can visit any cycling gear shop and get a helmet that fits snugly on your head and is durable to avoid the risk of injuries or death. 

Maintain a Good Position 

Your position on the road can greatly impact your confidence and safety while cycling. Many cyclists prefer to ride near Kreb, but it's not advisable for a variety of reasons. 

Firstly, you get very little space to maneuver, increasing your risk of hitting debris or ending up in a pothole, and your visibility is also limited. Instead, you should keep at least one meter away from the edge of the road to move in traffic without safety hazards. 

Doing so also gives you enough space to back away when some nearby vehicle tries to overtake you, keeping you well-protected. 

Analyze What's Around You 

When you are cycling on a road full of bustling vehicles, your sense of observation should be at an all-time high. Look for potential hazards on the road: 

Is there a pothole on the road? Perhaps a car door is about to swing open? Or are some vehicles badly parked on the road? 

Staying alert on such things allows you to anticipate and react to dangers before they escalate for a safe cycling experience. Other than observing, listening is also important—pay attention to honking and engine sounds to avoid any mishap or collision with nearby vehicles.

Give Clear Signals 

Another one of the cycling safety tips is to clearly communicate with other people, whether drivers or pedestrians, about your next move. Are you planning to take a turn? Or you might be pulling out to avoid any obstacle? 

It doesn't matter which move you are making; know that other people or drivers cannot anticipate it unless you give a fair warning or signal. Therefore, whenever you are taking a turn, don't forget to give a visible hand signal in that direction. 

For instance, if you plan to take a left turn, you should extend your left arm fully in the air so everyone sees it. Hold your signal for at least 3 seconds before the move. It's also advisable to make eye contact with other drivers to know if your signal is acknowledged or not. 

Ensure Visibility in Dark 

Of course, other drivers on the road won't notice you if you don't maintain good visibility in the dark. So, another cycling safety tip is to have proper lighting on your bike. 

For instance, there should be a red light or reflector at the rear visible for at least 600 feet and a headlight at the front visible for around 500 feet, informing others about your presence. 

It's also suggested that neon or bright clothing be worn for enhanced visibility in low-light conditions, which lowers the risk of accidents. 



How to Handle Intersections Safely? 

To handle intersections safely, you should slow down and approach them with extra caution. Position yourself visibly in the lane and make eye contact with drivers for acknowledgement of your presence and action. If you are still unsure, you can hop off and walk the bike across carefully using the pedestrian crossing. 

What are the Tips for Appearing Confident While Cycling?

To appear confident while cycling, you should first do extensive practice and master the art of riding and maneuvering. Plan your route before hitting the road, and most importantly, be aware of all traffic rules to avoid any confusion and legal penalties. 

What to Do If a Driver Doesn't See You? 

If a driver doesn't see you, you should slow down and give them a signal using your cycle bell or honk as well as your hands. Don't make any movement until they notice you as this can lead to collisions. 


If you love cycling, don't forget to follow all the cycling safety tips discussed for a secure trip. Wondering where you can get some top-quality gear for your cycling adventures? RockBros Bike has you covered! Since 2010, we have been offering incredible cycling equipment, whether it's helmets, gloves, or bike bells

So, why wait? Get in touch with us today and take a step towards making your bike rides safer and reliable.